buy to let mortgages
Buy to let mortgage news
The buy to let mortgages news category on our website is tailored to UK landlords investing in property.
We delve into the nuances of fixed-rate versus variable-rate mortgages, the impact of interest rate changes, criteria changes from lenders and fluctuations in SONIA Swap rates, which indicate the money markets projections of future interest rates, helping landlords make informed decisions that align with their investment goals.
We also provide expert insights on market trends and regulatory changes that could affect buy to let investments, ensuring landlords stay ahead of the curve.
By offering comprehensive and up-to-date information, our buy to let mortgages category empowers landlords to make strategic decisions, optimise their investments, and achieve long-term financial success in the property market.
Commercial Trust is a specialist mortgage broker. We offer tailored to mortgage advice to landlords and property investors. To discuss your borrowing needs, call our advisors for free on the number above, or request a call back.
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Record numbers of buy to let limited companies set up last year, report shows
Categories: limited company buy to let mortgages
2024 was another record-shattering year for numbers of limited companies set up in the UK, and buy to let investments dominate as the most common business type. Click to find out more.…

Case study: 100% buy to let mortgage or 100% commercial mortgage borrowing possible!
Categories: Case study buy to let mortgages commercial mortgages
Investing in property and don’t have a deposit? You COULD get 100% borrowing on a buy to let or commercial mortgage with this lender solution. Read more here!…